Directive Leadership and Educational Change: An Analysis of a Collective School-University Experience




directive leadership, educational change, instructional leadership, professional learning communities


The purpose of this article is to analyze the implications of a Work Plan, designed by the research team, to guide improvement processes that were being developed in the management team of an educational establishment that is part of a University-School Collaboration Network. The plan considered phases based on the revision of the instructional leadership model and the strengthening of leadership competencies based on professional learning communities. A methodological design was followed corresponding to a descriptive study of cases of mixed and transforming method. The results showed that the plan was an experience of accompaniment that provided the management team with a real orientation to change and to the development of capacities to respond to the demands of the educational institution that they directed.  


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How to Cite

Aparicio Molina, C. ., Sepúlveda López, F. ., Valverde Huincatripay, X. ., Cárdenas Merino, V. ., Contreras Sanzana, G. ., & Valenzuela Ravanal, M. . (2020). Directive Leadership and Educational Change: An Analysis of a Collective School-University Experience. Páginas De Educación, 13(1), 19–41.

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