Father involvement after divorce: a systematic review





father involvement, non-resident fathers, divorce, systematic review, co-parenting


Divorce or conjugal separation involves changes in the structure of families and in living arrangements in which gender differences and biases are notable. Considering the importance of father involvement in the development of children and the length to which it is a protective factor, a systematic review was conducted with the aim of identifying the variables that are associated with father involvement in fathers who do not reside with their children. After considering specific search and selection criteria, 14 primary research papers were analyzed. It was found that there is an incidence of sociodemographic variables, residence, family arrangements and relationship between ex-spouses in father involvement. The characteristics of the studies included as well as the limitations of the review are discussed. Further research areas are analyzed and proposed. It is concluded that psychosocial interventions and judicial decisions around divorce should consider the factors that have been outlined as contributing to father involvement as it could benefit all members of the family system.


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How to Cite

Lizarazu, L., & Cracco, C. (2021). Father involvement after divorce: a systematic review. Ciencias Psicológicas, 15(2), e-2408. https://doi.org/10.22235/cp.v15i2.2408




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