The Role of NGOs in Educational Leadership: A Case Study of an NGO in Colombia




leadership, non-governmental organization, extracurricular education, educational innovation


The lack of tools available to teachers to promote innovation in the classroom constitutes one of the major challenges in the educational sector. Traditionally, it has been thought that the public sector is responsible for leading innovation processes and strengthening educational quality. However, research in the field of educational leadership suggests that actors such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and think tanks are beginning to emerge as leaders in the sector. This is a case study of the NGO Course Council, operating in Chile, which in 2018 implemented a pilot project for curricular innovation in Colombia. Using a qualitative approach, this study aims to understand the role of this NGO in the development of educational leadership processes in two educational centers in Colombia. Data collection involved conducting focus groups with teachers and program directors of the foundation. Findings suggest the need to promote a bottom-up transformative leadership approach that allows for the participation of more actors in curricular innovation processes.

Consejo de Curso is a nongovernmental organization, based in Chile, and since 2014 has been working on the implementation of out of school education programs to close learning gaps. In 2018, Consejo de Curso implemented a pilot study in Colombia to assess the effectiveness of a new curriculum. The results from the intervention were used to make adjustments to the Spanish and Social Studies courses in the schools that participated in the pilot project. This study, qualitative in nature, aimed at understanding the role that nongovernmental organizations such as Consejo de Curso play in fostering educational leadership in Colombia. By conducting semi-structured interviews with the teachers and with the program directors in Colombia as well as by employing thematic analysis techniques, this study suggests the implementation of bottom-up transformational leadership strategies to incentivize participation of multiple actors.


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How to Cite

Cabra Hernández, H. W. (2024). The Role of NGOs in Educational Leadership: A Case Study of an NGO in Colombia. Páginas De Educación, 17(1), e3734.



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