Conflict Resolution in Adolescence: Application of a Questionnaire in Co-Educational Schools and Schools Differenced by Sex in Spain




Social Behavior, Conflict, Adolescence, Gender, Classroom arrangement


The purpose of this research is to analyze the different styles of conflict resolution found in adolescent students in Spain and to see if there are significant differences between men and women, also taking into account the type of center they attend (mixed or differentiated by sex). For this purpose, a sample of 816 students from 12 Spanish schools was defined and a questionnaire based on the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI), adapted and validated for adolescents, was applied. The results confirm differences between sexes, already identified in other investigations, and for both sexes, in the differentiated school, higher scores appear in the collaborative style in comparison with male and female students attending a mixed school. No significant differences were found for the other styles of conflict resolution.


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How to Cite

Camps Bansell, J., Selvam, R. M., & Sheymardanov, S. (2019). Conflict Resolution in Adolescence: Application of a Questionnaire in Co-Educational Schools and Schools Differenced by Sex in Spain. Páginas De Educación, 12(2), 01–22.

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