Personal and contextual developmental assets predictors of health perception in adolescence




Self-Rated Health, Developmental Assets, Positive Youth Development, Healthy Development


Self-Rated Health is the product of the interaction between personal characteristics and contextual conditions. It reflects the resources of the person, and it consists in a dynamic evaluation, i.e., a personal judgment that reflects both a point-in-time status and a developmental process. The Developmental Assets® framework provides a holistic approach in to the understanding of development, which focuses on resources that can be explored both at individual and contextual levels, in order to foster a healthy development. The purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between adolescents’ Perception of Health and their experience of Developmental Assets. A convenience sample of 503 Portuguese students was evaluated, mean age of 16 years (SD = 1.2), 63% of female gender. Results indicate that better Health Perception is associated with greater experience of Developmental Assets. Results suggest the impact of a subset of Developmental Assets on Health prediction, with Internal Assets being the strongest predictors. Results suggest the theoretical and practical utility of the Developmental Assets® framework for the understanding of Health Perception in adolescents.


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How to Cite

Soares , A. ., Pais-Ribeiro , J. L. ., & Silva , I. . (2020). Personal and contextual developmental assets predictors of health perception in adolescence. Ciencias Psicológicas, 14(2), e-2263.




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