
  • Alejandra Balbi Universidad Católica del Uruguay
  • Sergio Dansilio Universidad Católica del Uruguay




Developmental dyscalculia, working memory, neuropsychological processes, number comprehension


There is enough empirical evidence about developmental calculation disorders (DCD), where specific impairments in basic mathematical operations and related cognitive systems as working memory and perception have been described. This paper aims to provide clinical evidence contributing to establish a rigorous diagnosis in the mentioned domain. A two-case study is presented (7 and 8 years old children). Numerical comprehension and basic operation deficit is shown in individually applied validated batteries, as well as in working memory and perception domains. Main diagnostic indicators of the cognitive disturbance in early schooling are described. Early identification is essential to the opportune pedagogical approach. There is no general intelligence, sensorial or emotional impairments in any of the studied cases. These findings provide additional clinical resources for clinicians facing a DCD. In the present cases, a visuospatial disorder could be related to the deficit.


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How to Cite

Balbi, A., & Dansilio, S. (2010). DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING CALCULATION: CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PSYCHOPEDAGOGICAL ASSESSMENT. Ciencias Psicológicas, 4(1), 7–15. https://doi.org/10.22235/cp.v4i1.107

