Between the communication notebook and the smartphone. The challenges for the management in Uruguayan educational centers in the context of digital communication




digital communication, communication skills, school, leadership, social inequality


This article assesses how schools manage their communication with students' families. Schools face a challenge that combines the massive use of digital communication by families, considerable socioeconomic variance in their educational contexts, and a diversity of organizational policies and leadership styles. Based on a case study of a network of twelve private schools in Montevideo, we conducted semi-structured interviews with principals and teachers. Our findings indicate that, despite the massification of digital devices, principals and teachers continue to express preferences for traditional non-digital channels of communication, for the majority of school-related topics. Even without an explicit rejection of digital technologies, respondents manifest diverse barriers that prevent their implementation. Recommendations are provided for rethinking communication based on organizational strategies.


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How to Cite

Silva, P. ., Dodel Schubert, M. ., & Pepe, A. I. (2020). Between the communication notebook and the smartphone. The challenges for the management in Uruguayan educational centers in the context of digital communication. Dixit, (32), 61–75.



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