The Semiotic Value of Archive Photography in the Negotiation of Meaning over Recent Past. Analysis of a Photographic Piece by Amnesty International on the Desaparecidos




archive photography, collective identity, cultural memory, desaparecidos, representation


This work is framed within the discussion of archive photography as a valuable semiotic resource for the negotiation of meaning that a social collective makes of its recent past. Within this framework, this article proposes a semiotic analysis of one of the photographic pieces that are part of Amnesty International Uruguay's campaign on the detenidos-desaparecidos (2012). The analysis suggests that photographs belonging to the private archives of the desaparecidos and their families have a significant role in the process of collective healing, as they contribute to the creation of the collective actor of the 'desaparecidos’ in social discourse. As visual resources framed in a certain context of meaning, archival photographs are worthy of a Semiotic study.


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How to Cite

Moreno Barreneche, S. (2019). The Semiotic Value of Archive Photography in the Negotiation of Meaning over Recent Past. Analysis of a Photographic Piece by Amnesty International on the Desaparecidos. Dixit, (30), 40–53.



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