Gender Differences in Early Reading Performance of Preschoolers Attending Vulnerable Schools




reading performance, early reading skills, socioeconomic level, gender differences


Numerous studies have highlighted the existence of differences in reading performance between boys and girls. However, findings are not consistent; moreover, most studies have been conducted in later grade levels and with opaque spelling systems. To a lesser extent, the initial reading performance of preschool boys and girls attending vulnerable schools has been explored, particularly in the post-pandemic period. In this regard, the aim of this research was to determine whether gender differences in reading performance occur from early ages, even when students have not attended schools in person. The sample comprised 58 students from four public schools. An ANOVA was employed to assess gender differences in the initial reading performance of the students. The results indicated no overall gender differences in reading performance between boys and girls, but differences were observed in specific tasks, with girls outperforming boys in print awareness tasks. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that both boys and girls achieve better results in phonological awareness tasks compared to print awareness tasks.


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How to Cite

Barriga, C. A., & Sepúlveda, F. (2024). Gender Differences in Early Reading Performance of Preschoolers Attending Vulnerable Schools. Páginas De Educación, 17(1), e3558.