Music as a promoter of phonological skills: an exploratory study with Uruguayan preschool children




Phonological awareness, musical skills, reading acquisition, preschoolers, music intervention program, rhythm


In this study we describe the effects of a Music Intervention Program on the Phonological Awareness, PA, of a group of 21 5-year-old Uruguayan children. A quasi-experimental design of pre-post test group comparison was used. At the end of the pre-schooling period, children who participated in the Music Intervention Program performed better in Phonological Awareness tasks than those of the control group. Finally, in order to analyze the reading performance of the subjects, a word-reading test was administered at the end of the first year of school. The analysis showed statistically significant differences between the groups in reading efficiency. The discussion of the results is based on the characteristics of the stimulation program, which was focused on the development of skills related to rhythm, accuracy and duration. The discussion also takes into account reports from current international literature, which asserts that taking part in a Music Intervention Program stimulates the development of PA Skills.


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How to Cite

Rivera Ibaceta, J. ., & Moreira Tricot, K. . (2020). Music as a promoter of phonological skills: an exploratory study with Uruguayan preschool children. Ciencias Psicológicas, 14(2), e-2270.




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