Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for women who experienced intimate partner violence: Multiple case studies




Intimate partner violence, case studies, therapeutic process, cognitive behavioral therapy


Introduction: Violence against women is a phenomenon that can cause damage to the mental health, and the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is indicated for the psychological treatment of these women, by presenting evidences of effectiveness. Objective: Describe the process and the outcomes of a cognitive behaviour intervention protocol for women who experienced intimate partner violence, through case studies. Method: There were four women who participated of the study, with a history of domestic violence and symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The therapeutic process was described by the techniques used and by the clinical clippings of the sessions. The symptoms of the women were evaluated before and after the intervention. Results: The techniques were suitable for decreasing symptoms. Conclusion: This study corroborates with the literature, showing initial evidences of effectiveness of CBT protocol for the treatment of women in situations of domestic violence.


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How to Cite

Habigzang, L. F. ., Gomes Ferreira Petersen, M., & Zamagna Maciel, L. (2019). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for women who experienced intimate partner violence: Multiple case studies. Ciencias Psicológicas, 13(2), 249–264.




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