impulsive buying, psychometric properties, regretAbstract
In this research the reliability and validity of the Rook and Fisher’s Impulsive Buying Scale (1995) were examined. Evidence about the relationship between impulsive purchase and regret is reported. The samples were composed by university students (sample A) and adults from 18 to 65 years old (sample B) from Córdoba City (Argentina). For sample A, exploratory and confirmatory analyses were performed, and internal consistency was examined by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. For sample B, the correlation between impulsive purchase and regret was also evaluated. The results showed an unifactorial structure that explains the 37.17% of the total variability, while all items showed factor loadings above .40 and regression weights were in the range .18-.60 (sample A) and .42.81 (sample B). It were observed acceptable Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (sample A = .84 y sample B =.87). The relation between impulsive buying tendencies and regret was significant but low magnitude. Overall, the results show that the scale has adequate psychometric properties to be used locally.Downloads
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