Drop out in High School final years and labor situation: the case of three institutions near Montevideo.
high school, drop out, reasons, early labor, UruguayAbstract
Abstract. The aim of this paper is to analyze the views and hopes from students and principals involved in the final courses of high school in three schools near Montevideo (Solís de Mataojo, Tala, and Rincón de la Bolsa) about drop-out high rates; it attempts to distinguish the specific features that this phenomena acquires in these areas. We have entered into a field of study connected with the problems of these young people who drop out final courses of high school and early enter in different jobs (related to agricultural and livestock production and industry) following, in many cases, their family labor level and being drifted, maybe forever, from a possible postsecondary or university education.Downloads
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Seis jóvenes del liceo de Solís de Mataojo (EA1-6)
Cuatro jóvenes del liceo de Rincón de la Bolsa (EB1-4).
Cuatro jóvenes del liceo de Tala (EC1-4)
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