Perceived Learning by Teachers who Participate in an Online Professional Development on Literacy




professional teacher development, online professional development, literacy, evidence-based practices in education


Professional teacher development plays a pivotal role in educational improvement, particularly in its online format (OPD), given its scalability. Despite the increasing number of OPD, few have undergone empirical evaluation. A cohort of 52 primary school teachers participated in a 152-hour, 4-month OPD with a focus on evidence-based practices in education (EBPE) for literacy. The study examined how they navigated online learning and identified the learning outcomes they perceived as relevant based on their participation. 84.6% of participants did not reside in the same city as the university responsible for the program, and 75% worked in public institutions. A mixed-methods research approach was employed. Quantitative data were collected on activity within the Moodle platform and task outcomes. Qualitative insights were gathered through 7 semi-structured interviews and 2 focus groups. 98% of participants successfully completed the OPD. They showed a preference for activities involving formative assessment. They valued acquired knowledge related to practical literacy activities and explicit vocabulary instruction. While they did not explicitly refer to theoretical content on EBPE, they emphasized gaining evidence-based support for justifying their practices. The findings suggest that OPD can be effective if they are contextualized in teaching practice, incorporate scientific evidence, and employ friendly, affordable, and accessible formats.


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How to Cite

Balbi, A., Bonilla, M., Techera, C., Berrutti, S., & von Hagen, A. (2024). Perceived Learning by Teachers who Participate in an Online Professional Development on Literacy. Páginas De Educación, 17(1), e3692.

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