The E-books and Students’ Mathematics Performance: A Qualitative Systematic Review




e-Book, mathematics, learning, student performance


This research explores the impact of digital books on student’s performance in mathematics. The theoretical arguments of this research are based on the self-regulated learning theory. To employ the complete research strategy, 65 papers were retrieved in the first round of research, including 30 from ERIC, 20 from Science Direct, and 15 from EBSCO. Following that, only 40 papers produced findings from the major section screening. The article’s systematic literature review and thematic analysis of the published material resulted in a sample size of 23 articles for this study. A qualitative thematic analysis Software, NVivo 12, was used to evaluate qualitative data. The findings indicated that motivation, technological advancement, information technology, learning objectives, sources for digital application, challenges of technology, traditional learning style and visual information have a significant collision with students’ mathematical learning.


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How to Cite

Alshehri, S. M. (2024). The E-books and Students’ Mathematics Performance: A Qualitative Systematic Review. Páginas De Educación, 17(2), e3479.

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