The Sense of Belonging, a Strategy of Improvement in the Training Process in the Arts. Case Study in Dance at a Mexican University
sense of belonging, higher education, dance, artsAbstract
The sense of belonging is a feeling of identity that individuals generate with the community with which they interact to achieve common goals. The arts, in turn, demand the consolidation of an identity and the dissemination of artistic experiences in the classroom. For this reason, this study aims to find out how the sense of belonging is presented from the student's point of view in the Dance Degree of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Mexico. A quantitative study was conducted through a questionnaire that evaluated the sense of belonging in four dimensions (psychological-social, affective, academic and physical). The results indicate that the academic and social dimensions require actions aimed at self-confidence and approaching the work environment. Analyzing the sense of belonging allows the construction of common meanings that strengthen the professional formation of the students.
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