Response to intervention and spelling acquisition in children from low-income backgrounds


  • Beatriz Diuk CONICET Universidad Nacional de San Martín
  • Marina Ferroni CONICET Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Argentina
  • Milagros Mena CONICET Universidad Nacional de San Martín
  • Juan Pablo Barreyro Universidad de Buenos Aires



learning, teaching, spelling, poverty, difficulties


The paper aimed to analyze the Response to Intervention (rti) in children growing up in poverty contexts and exhibiting low levels of literacy when compared to their school peers. For six months, 37 7‑to‑14-year-old children (41 % girls) participated in an educational program administered individually. Children were given a word spelling task before and after the intervention. Statistically significant differences were obtained between pre‑ and post‑test. A regression analysis carried out on spelling gains showed that the number of program sessions children participated in had a significant effect. Only 16 % of the children had a low rti, indicating that most children´s difficulties were experiential rather that related to cognitive deficits.


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Author Biographies

Beatriz Diuk, CONICET Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación y doctora en Psicología. Investigadora adjunta del CONICET. Docente y coordinadora del Centro de Investigaciones Psicopedagógicas Aplicadas de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín.

Marina Ferroni, CONICET Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Argentina

Licenciada en Letras y doctora en Psicología. Investigadora asistente del conicet, Argentina. Docente de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina.

Milagros Mena, CONICET Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Licenciada en Psicopedagogía. Becaria doctoral del conicet, Argentina. Docente de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina

Juan Pablo Barreyro, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Licenciado y doctor en Psicología. Investigador adjunto del conicet. Docente de la Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Diuk, B., Ferroni, M., Mena, M., & Barreyro, J. P. (2017). Response to intervention and spelling acquisition in children from low-income backgrounds. Páginas De Educación, 10(2), 96–110.

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