Motives and expectations of the demand for pedagogical support in secondary education
socio-cultural approach, learning, learning contexts, educational support, secondary educationAbstract
With the purpose of knowing the demands that happen outside of educational institutions, this article approaches the pedagogical support as an educational context that emerges from the intersection between the formal and non-formal contexts of learning, and that produces a relationship of reinforcement and collaboration. This study aims to recognize the reasons why families ask for pedagogical support in the first year of secondary education. To this end, fifteen in-depth interviews were conducted with the mothers of students who attended support classes, the teachers who provided the service and different educational agents of a school located in a town in the south of Cordoba, Argentina. It was found that the reasons for which the relatives demand the contexts of pedagogical support are crossed by issues of academic, socio-familiar and affective nature. This study allows to think of support classes as an educational context that strengthens learning opportunities.
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