The impact of a socio-constructivist approach on prospective primary teachers’ attitudes about teaching and learning in general and mathematics in particular


  • Bernardita Tornero Ochagavia Universidad de los Andes



prospective teachers, mathematics anxiety, cognitive acceleration, attitudinal change


Cognitive Acceleration programs have been successful in promoting reasoning skills in school students and in changing the pedagogy of the in-service teachers applying them. The novelty of this study is that it implemented, for the first time, that socio-constructivist approach with prospective teachers. The results suggest that the cognitive acceleration course promoted positive changes in their attitudes about teaching and learning in general and mathematics in particular.


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How to Cite

Tornero Ochagavia, B. (2017). The impact of a socio-constructivist approach on prospective primary teachers’ attitudes about teaching and learning in general and mathematics in particular. Páginas De Educación, 10(1), 1–35.

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