Classroom motivational climate in Ibero-American secondary and higher education: a systematic review




classroom motivational climate, motivation, secondary education, university education, class climate


The classroom motivational climate (CMC) is a construct that allows studying the patterns of teaching performance in the classroom and their relationship with student motivation. Based on the importance of CMC for teaching and learning environments, a systematic review was conducted with the aim of synthesizing the evidence from Ibero-American studies in secondary and higher education during the period 1992-2023. The methodological guidelines defined in the PRISMA statement were used, which allowed the selection of 51 articles that met the eligibility criteria. The results reveal a prevalence of quantitative studies (90 %) in secondary education (65 %). Nine instruments were identified for the CMC study and the CMC-Q was found to be the most commonly used instrument. The Analysis of the studies indicates that there is a moderate common explained variance between the CMC and personal psychological variables of students and teachers, but low with respect to student academic performance. The reported findings are in the same direction as the evidence available in other regions worldwide. It is suggested to move towards a multidimensional understanding of CMC, triangulation of participants, techniques and methods, as well as additional studies that integrate CMC as a measure of effectiveness in educational interventions.


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How to Cite

Chiarino, N., Curione, K., & Huertas Martinez, J. A. (2024). Classroom motivational climate in Ibero-American secondary and higher education: a systematic review. Ciencias Psicológicas, 18(2), e-3770.




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