Emotional intelligence and academic procrastination in university students
emotional intelligence, academic procrastination, university students, correlations, predictors, PeruAbstract
This study aimed to analyze the relationship between Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Academic Procrastination (AP) in university students and to generate a predictive model. This study has a quantitative approach and a cross-sectional predictive design. Two hundred fifty-four students from different professional schools in Peru participated, whose ages fluctuated between 18 and 30 years. The Brief Emotional Intelligence Inventory for Seniors (EQ-I-M20) and the Academic Procrastination Scale were administered. The findings show that 52 % of the participants have a high level of emotional intelligence, and 51.2 % have a high level of academic procrastination. The association between emotional intelligence and academic procrastination was significant and negative. The dimensions of emotional intelligence significantly predict academic procrastination, except for the intrapersonal dimension.
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