Grooming online, sexting and emotional problems in Argentinean adolescents




grooming, sexting, emotional problems, gender, age


Online grooming towards children and adolescents is a very serious problem. Thus, the objective of this research was to measure levels of online Grooming suffered and if gender, age, sexting and emotional problems (depression and anxiety) were predictors of such behavior. An intentional sample of 727 adolescents between 12 and 16 years old (59% women) was constituted from two private schools in the city of Paraná, Argentina. 20% of grooming cases were detected - at least once in the last year -, with 17% receiving solicitations by adults and 12% interactions. More men than women suffered from grooming -albeit marginally- and interactions. Besides, at older teenagers, grooming, requests and interactions increased linearly. From hierarchical regressions it was observed that a variance of 23% was predicted for grooming, 22% for requests and 23% for interactions, with age, depression and sexting being significant predictors. These results would indicate that this problem presents alarming percentages in said population.


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How to Cite

Resett, S. . (2021). Grooming online, sexting and emotional problems in Argentinean adolescents. Ciencias Psicológicas, 15(1), e-2397.




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