Aggressiveness self-control of female crack users




social skills, agression, crack, woman, drugs


Difficulties in the self-control of the aggressiveness of crack users are exposed in the literature. However, there is a lack of studies that explain these difficulties. This study aims to identify the predictive value of psychiatric comorbidities, interaction contexts and situations related to drug use in the self-control of the aggressiveness of crack users. It is a quantitative, transversal and explicatory research. A total of 62 crack users were evaluated through the Drug Use Questionnaire, Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, WAIS-III Cognitive Screening, IHS-Del-Pretteand Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders. Involvement with drug trafficking and Major Depressive Episode were predictors of low scores in aggressive self-control. It is concluded that joint actions such as Social Skills Training, Major Depressive Episode treatment and prevention of exposure to risk behavior, such as drug trafficking, are necessary since these variables presented explanatory value in the self-control of aggressiveness.


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How to Cite

Limberger, J., Staevie dos Santos, B., Ribeiro Beneton, E., & Andretta, I. (2019). Aggressiveness self-control of female crack users. Ciencias Psicológicas, 13(2), 173–184.




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