
  • Marcelo R. Ceberio Universidad de Flores. Escuela Sistémica Argentina.



resistance, change, relapse, panic, simptom


This research is part of an investigation of major proportions in which a systemic modelis applied mainly in panic disorders.The “equation resistance to change” (ERC) is the synergy between four factors: the degree of severity of symptoms or problems, the frequency of occurrence, the number of symptoms or problems that make satellites and fi nally, the time of onset. The goal is to predict the degree of resistance to change in patients from the fi rst interview, as well as to explain the relapse eff ect and repetition compulsion and thus adapt the strategies and interventions more eff ectively. In this regard, the proposal is to apply the equation to human problems in general. The theoretical support of the equation willbedeveloped on the basis of four variables: cognitive, interactional, emotional and neurophysiological, and as an example of its application, it is displayed on 30 specifi c cases of anxiety disorders and panic attackswith or without agoraphobia and also in social phobias.


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