New issue published
We are glad to inform you that a new issue of the journal Ciencias Psicológicas 18(2), corresponding to July-December 2024, is available online. You can access the full issue here.
EDITORIAL- Disciplinary Conversations on Scientific Publishing Cecilia Cracco
- Validity and reliability of the brief version of the Symptom Checklist SA-45 Nicolás Alejandro Vizioli, Melina Claudia Crespi
- Burnout syndrome and its relationships with social skills, coping, and socio-occupational variables in elementary school teachers Ana Maria Biavati Guimarães, Lucas Cordeiro Freitas, Daniela Carine Ramires De Oliveira
- Feedback received and role performance: The mediating role of engagement and the moderating role of authentic living Renata Silva de Carvalho Chinelato, Maria Cristina Ferreira, Felipe Valentini, Susana Maria de Oliveira e Mota Tavares
- Hybrid model of parent training for mothers of preschool children with autism spectrum disorder based on applied behavior analysis to reduce parental stress Aline Regina Emilio, João Rodrigo Maciel Portes
- Spiritual well-being and its influence on forgiveness, gratitude, and resilience in university students in Lima (Peru) Cecilia Salgado-Levano, Mirian Grimaldo, Jossué Correa-Rojas, María del Pilar Mori-Sánchez, Pamela Riveros-Paredes
- The moderating effect of perceived punishment on the relationship between the Dark Triad and corruption Estêvão Caputo e Oliveira, João Gabriel Modesto, Renan Benigno Saraiva
- Validity evidence for the Family Role Overload Scale Juliana Da Silva Sanches Leão, Larissa Maria David Gabardo-Martins
- Psychometric properties of Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being Scale in Argentina Matías Jonás García, Macarena Verónica Del Valle, Hernán López Morales, Sebastián Urquijo
- The effectiveness of psychotherapies in reducing further suicide attempts: a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Luciana Almeida Santos, Maycoln Leôni Martins Teodoro, Fellipe Couto De Oliveira
- Systematic review on the effectiveness of meditation on health occupations students’ psychological well-being Edgar Aiquipa-Meza, Luis Alberto Pérez-Oré
- Perceived parental bonding and variables associated with maternal-fetal attachment in high-risk pregnancy Henrique Lima Reis, Ketylen Cardoso Nogueira, Edi Cristina Manfroi, André Pereira Gonçalves
- Habilidades executivas: atualização, mudanças entre conjuntos mentais e inibição em crianças não mapuches urbanas, mapuches urbanas e mapuches rurais de La Araucanía, Chile Rebeca Muñoz Sanhueza, Paula Alonqueo Boudon
- Classroom motivational climate in Ibero-American secondary and higher education: a systematic review Nicolás Chiarino, Karina Curione, Juan Antonio Huertas Martinez
- Intervention in cold executive functions and emotion regulation: impact of the application of two programs on executive-emotional processing in schoolchildren Ana Paula Cervi Colling, Caroline de Oliveira Cardoso, Nicolle Zimmermann, Rochele Paz Fonseca
- Emotional effects elicited by football images: A study on fanaticism Monick Leonora Inês Kort-Kamp, Thauan Rocha Porto, Roberdson Silveira de Oliveira, Erick Francisco Conde
- Evaluating Brazilian Parenting: Evidence of Validity and Invariance for Fathers and Mothers Ligia Santis, Ana Paula Porto Noronha
- Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the well-being and mental health of Uruguayan adults Alejandro Anselmi, Cecilia Cracco, Andrés Estradé, Marco Solmi, Christoph U. Correll
- Road to a new fatherhood: Perspectives regarding the role of the father in Chilean two-parent families Daara Valentina Mendoza Lara, Camila Paulette Rubilar Valenzuela, Nelson Zicavo Martínez, Mónica Marlene Pino Muñoz
- Relationships between socioemotional skills, adaptability and self-efficacy in the school-work transition Fabíola Aparecida Molina Costa, Lucy Leal Melo-Silva, José Egídio Oliveira, João Paulo A. Lessa
- Illegitimate tasks and their association with burnout in the educational context. Role of job identity Claudio Esteban Picón Chapana, Mauricio E. Garrido Vásquez
- Relationships between dysfunctional perfectionism and school stress in primary school students in Posadas (Argentina) Sonia Noemí Chemisquy, Luana Natahela Arévalo, Milagros Mercedes Penz Picaza
- Psychometric properties and factorial invariance of the Climate Change Attitude Survey in the Chilean population José Sandoval-Díaz , Orlando Aedo Soto, Richard Cisternas Victoriano
- Psico Bot: a robot for psychological assessment of children and adolescents Eduardo dos Santos de Lima, Silvana Alba Scortegagna, Ana Carolina Bertoletti de Marchi