The meanings and interpretations of the self: A multidimensional analysis




self, identity, essence, existence, narrative


The aim of this paper is to explore the different meanings given to the notion of the self. In this sense, and to know this process in depth, a review of the state of the art has been carried out and it has been delimited that there are four theoretical perspectives: the essentialist or interior vision; the existentialist or exterior vision; the absence or the denial vision; and the narrative or interpretative vision. In order to know and interpret the different epistemological traditions, the four proposed approaches have been developed succinctly. In the light of the proposed analysis, it can be concluded that these perspectives are not axiomatic and that should be studied in a complementary manner, that it is necessary to build bridges between disciplines and that different interpretations should not be treated in an exclusionary manner, but in a necessary dialogue or co-implication.


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How to Cite

Sola Morales, S. (2018). The meanings and interpretations of the self: A multidimensional analysis. Dixit, (29), 20–33.



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