Learning Communities in Organizational Communication: A case study


  • Ada Czerwonogora




higher education, distance education, collaborative learning, educational environment, participation


This paper analyzes an on-line course from the Organizational Communication Postgraduate Studies in the Universidad Católica del Uruguay, as a virtual learning community using the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) approach. The research methodology was blended, both quantitative and qualitative, with a descriptive-interpretative case study design. Two complementary levels of analysis were set for the discussion forums: participation and discourse analysis. The Community of Inquiry Model was utilized for the discourse analysis. Following the indicators proposed for the cognitive, teaching and social presence, a codification guided by concepts was performed. The categories and indicators of the cognitive presence showed evidence of understanding of the topics developed in the forums. The categories analyzed for the teaching presence permitted the identification of principles related to good practices. The social presence indicators pointed out the importance of the group cohesion and suggested the existence of empathic attitudes and collaboration processes, complementing the observations for the cognitive presence.


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How to Cite

Czerwonogora, A. (2017). Learning Communities in Organizational Communication: A case study. Dixit, (26), 04–23. https://doi.org/10.22235/d.v0i26.1258



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