From adultcentrism to infantocentrism: an exploratory study on participation in Environmental Education




participation, children, environmental education, measuring methods


The objective of this research was to assess the participation promoted by Environmental Education professionals, using taxonomies derived from studies conducted with adults, children, and adolescents. A total of 98 individuals working in this field in Chile were involved through an online survey, and thematic content analysis and descriptive statistical analyses were performed. Their responses were associated with four adultcentric discursive positions and three infantocentric positions, and profiles were created for each group based on other study variables. It was identified that individuals with infantocentric positions tend to be more critical of their practice, have more years of experience in the field, and generally work as environmental activists or communicators. Based on the findings, this study provides insights for the development of more sophisticated instruments for measuring participation and concludes with aspects that should be further explored or addressed in future evaluations.


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How to Cite

Prosser Bravo, G., Aranguren Zurita, S., Bonilla Hevia, N., & Caro Zúñiga, C. A. (2023). From adultcentrism to infantocentrism: an exploratory study on participation in Environmental Education. Páginas De Educación, 16(1), 81–103.

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