Teaching Practices in The Teaching of the Lower Skills of Writing





writing, strategies, lower skills, motor patterns


The development of lower skills is important for the learning of writing, since the generation of text can reach a better standard when there is a greater mastery and automation of these skills. The objective of this study is to analyze teaching practices in the development of lower skills involved in writing in first grade students. A mixed methodology was developed, with a first quantitative phase and a second qualitative phase. In the first phase, 19 teachers were surveyed to characterize the teaching and feedback strategies they use to promote lower skills in writing. The second phase sought to understand the reasons for using certain strategies through semi-structured interviews with 6 participants. The results indicated that the practices are characterized by being traditional, that teachers use linked handwriting to teach writing, that the activity to which they dedicate the most time is calligraphy, that to automate writing they use a static image with movement instruction, that the resource most used by teachers is the Caligrafix workbook, and that they use evaluative feedback. Finally, the reasons why teachers use certain strategies are conditioned by the imposition of management teams and by tradition.


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How to Cite

Chávez Delgado, F. S., Soto Muñoz, M. E., & Muñoz-Abrines, M. L. (2022). Teaching Practices in The Teaching of the Lower Skills of Writing. Páginas De Educación, 15(2), 22–43. https://doi.org/10.22235/pe.v15i2.2774

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