Online Meetings in Early Childhood Education: A Bonding and Educational Experience in Times of COVID-19
early education, new technologies, e-learning, video calls, pandemic, COVID-19Abstract
The purpose of this article is to report a bonding and educational experience focused on the use of new technologies, specifically video calls, with children in early education. It is a case study focused on the experience of using Skype with children from 2 to 3 years old. These online meetings were held weekly for three months due to the situation caused by the covid-19 pandemic, which involved confinement measures and school closures. From an autoethnographic study, based on observation and data collection in a diary, the results develop a series of topic proposals that facilitate interaction and bonding among classmates through a screen, in this case due to the exceptional circumstances. It is concluded that through these online meetings it was possible to maintain contact, share experiences and develop skills in a virtual environment of positive interaction.
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