Spiritual well-being and its influence on forgiveness, gratitude, and resilience in university students in Lima (Peru)
Spiritual well-being, forgiveness, gratitude, resilience, university students, positive psychology.Abstract
This study aimed to determine the influence of spiritual well being on gratitude, forgiveness, and resilience in university students in the city of Lima. An explanatory design with latent variables was used. The sample consisted of 957 university students (29.5 % men and 70.5 % women from 13 universities [22.36% public and 77.64 % private]), from Metropolitan Lima. The Spiritual Wellbeing Scale (SWBS), the Trait Forgivingness Scale (TFS), the Gratitude Scale (GS), and the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) were used. Among the findings, it was found that the model estimated with the DWLS method allows us to point out that spiritual well-being directly affects forgiveness, gratitude, and resilience. In turn, the covariance between forgiveness and gratitude was .090 (p > .05), the covariance between forgiveness and resilience was .236 (p < .01), and the covariance between gratitude and resilience was equal to .122 (p < .01). The implications of the results have been discussed.
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