Illegitimate tasks and their association with burnout in the educational context. Role of job identity




job stress, illegitimate tasks, Burnout, work identity, mediation


Illegitimate tasks are defined as tasks that employees perceive as unfair and unnecessary, which can cause work stress and affect work identity. These, in turn, increase burnout, especially in complex organizations. The present study suggests that work identity plays a mediating role in the association between illegitimate tasks and burnout, whereby the higher the perception of illegitimate tasks, the lower the employee's work identity and the higher the level of burnout. To assess this relationship, a group of 135 employees from a Chilean educational institution completed a series of questionnaires to assess each of the variables, including the BERN Illegitimate Tasks Scale, the Maslach Burnout Inventory, and the Workplace Identity Scale. The study used a longitudinal design, with data collected at two-time points (T1 and T2), with a six-week interval between them.  Initially, analyses were conducted using data from T1 alone, and subsequently, analyses were performed using data from both time points (T1 and T2). Results indicate that illegitimate tasks have a greater direct effect on burnout than the effect mediated by work identity and that illegitimate tasks have a significant direct effect on burnout but not on reported burnout six weeks later. Illegitimate tasks have a direct effect on burnout, and work identity acts as a mediator in this relationship. The relevance of these variables must be recognized in organizational settings. Optimizing working conditions and strengthening work identity will benefit not only employees but also the organization.


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How to Cite

Picón Chapana, C. E., & Garrido Vásquez , M. E. (2024). Illegitimate tasks and their association with burnout in the educational context. Role of job identity. Ciencias Psicológicas, 18(2), e-3771.




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