Effects of a social norms intervention to reduce alcohol drinking behaviors in Argentinean adolescents





social norms, high-school, normative feedback, alcohol use


Alcohol-related social norms are internalized beliefs regarding the extension and approval of alcohol consumption by social reference groups. Prevention programs based on social norms and behavioral insights are empirical evidence-based approaches that challenge cognitive biases and promote healthy choices by providing actual information of targeted behaviors. These programs, to our knowledge, have not been applied to reduce alcohol use in Latin-America. Objectives: This study examined the effectiveness of a school-based social norms intervention to reduce alcohol use behaviors in high-school adolescents from Cordoba city (Argentina). Ninety-two students (Mean age = 14.18±0.82 years) participated. A 2 (type of school administration: public, private) x 2 (treatment: experimental, control) factorial design was employed. Data collections provided information on actual alcohol consumption, perceived alcohol consumption of classmates and discrepancies (i.e., biases) between both measures. Results: A brief feedback session, which was complemented with the placement of posters inside the classroom, reduced the prevalence and frequency of several alcohol drinking behaviors. These effects were more noticeable in the public than in the private schools. Conclusions: This is, to our knowledge, the first report of a program that applied a social norms strategy to reduce alcohol consumption in high schoolers from South America.


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How to Cite

Pautassi, R. M., Michelini, Y., Pilatti, A., Rivarola Montejano, G., Badino, M., Gigena-Parker, D., … Bonino, P. (2024). Effects of a social norms intervention to reduce alcohol drinking behaviors in Argentinean adolescents. Ciencias Psicológicas, 18(1), e-3316. https://doi.org/10.22235/cp.v18i1.3316




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