Parent Group: ACT Program participants new learnings




parent-child relations, parent training, parent group, parenting, ACT Program


The aim of this study was to identify the new learning of participants of an ACT Program parent group. This psychoeducational intervention aims to assist in the development of positive parenting practices, providing children safer, healthier, more stable environments, without violence or abuse. Data were organized according to thematic categorical analysis. The results indicated that participation in the ACT Program enabled learning about parenting practices, the recognition of emotions of the adults and children, understanding about parenting styles, the importance of parental involvement for child development, and learning about child development and aspects related to exposure to electronic media in early childhood. As a contribution to the ACT Program research, this study presented a qualitative analysis of specific aspects concerning the content learned in the sessions and results of groups that included the participation of fathers in the Brazilian context, differing from previous studies with only mothers.



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How to Cite

Oliveira, J. L. A. P. ., Fiorini, M. C. ., Guisso, L. ., Vieira, M. L. ., & Crepaldi, M. A. . (2021). Parent Group: ACT Program participants new learnings. Ciencias Psicológicas, 15(1), e-2392.




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