Persuasion and emotions: consumer fraud on Black Friday Brazil




Persuasion, Consumption, Twitter, Emociones, social media


This research aimed at analyzing the relation between emotions and consumer fraud, based on the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM). For this purpose, Sentiment Analysis was performed using the Natural Language Processing (NLP) from Twitter data obtained on the day of the event, and content analysis to understand the factors involved in the event and whether companies with reported complaints on PROCON/SP (2019) and the website Reclame Aqui (2019) were related. The results show that most emotions arising from Black Friday Brazil are both negative and related to consumer fraud. They also reveal that individuals who had low involvement with the persuasive messages used emotions as simple indications, unlike individuals who were highly involved and used emotions as an argument in the persuasive process to avoid being victims of fraud.


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How to Cite

Soares , S. T. A. ., & Modesto , J. G. . (2022). Persuasion and emotions: consumer fraud on Black Friday Brazil . Ciencias Psicológicas, 16(2), e-2339.

