Adaptation for online implementation of a Positive Psychology intervention for health promotion




positive psychology, health promotion, online adaptation


This study describes the online adaptation of a Positive Psychology intervention for health promotion. The methodological guidelines used were The Formative Method for Adapting Psychotherapy and the Consolidated Framework for Implementation, based on: characteristics of the intervention; of the individuals; internal and external contexts; implementation process. The intervention consisted of 6 online group sessions, with 10 staff members from the health management team of a retiree association in RS/Brazil, mean age 43.6 years (SD = 15.86). An evaluation questionnaire was completed at the end of the activities and descriptive statistics revealed participants' satisfaction with the intervention and with the moderator, as well as generalization of the contents. Changes were suggested specially to increase the duration of the sessions. We suggest the systematization the processes used in this study to support research on the implementation and adaptation of online interventions for different contexts and populations.


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How to Cite

Durgante, H. B. ., & Dell’Aglio , D. D. . (2022). Adaptation for online implementation of a Positive Psychology intervention for health promotion. Ciencias Psicológicas, 16(2), e-2250.




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