Individual well-being: the role of rumination, optimism, resilience and ability to receive support




well-being, rumination, optimism, resilience, support


Subjective well-being includes having positive / negative emotional experiences, prosperity and satisfaction with life. In addition, it depends on multiple psychosocial factors such as: rumination, optimism, resilience and the ability to receive support, which have been studied in particular and need to be examined together. Therefore, this study was set out to: 1) Identify the effect of the aforementioned variables on subjective well-being in adults, and 2) Explore their differences based on gender, age and schooling. There was a voluntary participation of 404 Mexican adults aged between 18 to 64 (M=37.56), with minimum secondary schooling. The findings show the significant role of some factors of optimism, resilience and rumination in the prediction of subjective well-being as well as differences in self-confidence, (optimism), negative emotional experience (well-being), the ability to receive support between genders, and the tendency to experience  more optimism, resilience and well-being as the individual gets older and schooling is higher. These results show how the positive features and life experience were associated with other kind of positive experiences for the well-being of individual.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Aragón, R. . (2020). Individual well-being: the role of rumination, optimism, resilience and ability to receive support. Ciencias Psicológicas, 14(2), e-2222.




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