
  • Maite Regina Beramendi Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina
  • Elena Mercedes Zubieta Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina



institutions, legitimacy, normative transgression, perverse norms


The present study investigates how a group of college students characterizes the normative system in Argentina. To this end, the perceptions of normative transgression, the legitimacy of the system and the entailment of both aspects were analyzed. The results show that participants distrust of the normative system´s running as it is handled by corrupt practices, ineffective institutions, and a system of double standards. They also express that the system is thought for the convenience of the politicians and citizens with power. Basically, participants do not perceive the system as just or legitimate. Also, the students give cynical responses in relation to a possible change, holding the belief on an individual morality to cope with the system with particular norms that contemplate the transgression, if no one in concrete is harmed.


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