Some conceptual links between psychopathology of development, personality and psychological assessment of children and adolescents


  • Norma Contini Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina



psychopathology, childhood, adolescent, personality, emotional problems, psychological assessment


Objectives: 1) to analyze concepts on child and adolescent psychopathology that allow to address the normality / abnormality of behavior. Concepts of temperament, character and personality are defined. 2) We consider where to place the disorders that are detected in the emotional area in childhood. It is debated if it corresponds to do this under the concept of personality. Theories are developed from which have derived personality assessment tests in children and adolescents. It is concluded that there is not sufficient empirical data to assert the stability of the temperament; it would be prudent to conceptualize personality as a structure starting from adolescence; in childhood it would be feasible to enunciate it only around dimensions. The communication supposes a critical reflection of concepts of psychopathology of development, emotional disorders of the beginning of childhood and their connection with the concept of personality that appear scattered in the literature and that serve as backup to the psychological assessment.


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How to Cite

Contini, N. (2018). Some conceptual links between psychopathology of development, personality and psychological assessment of children and adolescents. Ciencias Psicológicas, 12(1), 147–157.




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