Repercussions of trauma in childhood in psychopathology of adult life


  • Vitória Waikamp Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Brasil
  • Fernanda Barcellos Serralta Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Brasil



abuse, negligence, psychopathology, childhood, adulthood


The study aims to examine the influence of childhood trauma on adult psychopathological symptoms. The sample consisted of 201 patients who were initiating psychoanalytical psychotherapy in a clinic from a training institute. Participants answered two self-report instruments that assessed respectively, the presence and frequency of different traumas in childhood, as well as the intensity of current symptomatology, considering a wide variety of psychopathological syndromes. The results indicate that most of the patients were exposed to childhood adversities and that various types of past traumas have a significant positive association with many dimensions of current symptoms. It was also found that the total trauma index predict levels of symptom-derived psychological distress. The findings corroborate the literature indicating the adverse psychological consequences of childhood trauma on adult mental health.


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How to Cite

Waikamp, V., & Barcellos Serralta, F. (2018). Repercussions of trauma in childhood in psychopathology of adult life. Ciencias Psicológicas, 12(1), 137–144.




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