
  • Iván Maldonado Universidad Católica del Uruguay
  • Micaela Reich Universidad Católica del Uruguay



Public speaking fear, coping, stress, undergraduate students, social phobia


A growing, yet limited body of scientific literature addresses the relationship between Public Speaking Fear, Coping Strategies, and demographic variables in Uruguay. The aim of this study was to examine the association between Public Speaking Fear/Anxiety (CASO-A30), Coping Strategies (Brief COPE), and demographic factors. Participants included a total of 76 undergraduate students in 2nd (n=34) and 4th year (n=42), respectively. The sample was composed by a majority of female participants (88,2 %), aged 21-25 years (57,9 %), and unemployed (61,8 %) at the time of data collection.  Data were assessed utilizing self-report questionnaires. The results yielded several statistically significant associations between demographic and psychological factors. Results suggest that higher vulnerability was indicated by being female, in 2nd year, unemployed and aged 21-25 years.


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How to Cite

Maldonado, I., & Reich, M. (2013). COPING STRATEGIES AND PUBLIC SPEAKING FEAR AMONG UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS. Ciencias Psicológicas, 7(1), 165–182.




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