From hegemony to the niche: displacement of traditional media in informative routines of a group of Argentine university students




traditional media, news consumption, smartphone, students, niche


The current media ecosystem is reconfiguring the place of traditional media, particularly in the way the news is consumed by the audience. The objective of this research, of a qualitative and exploratory nature and carried out through in-depth interviews, is to describe the informative routines of a group of young people who attend the university in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the Gran Buenos Aires Agglomerate, Argentina. The results indicate that traditional media occupy a peripheral niche in news consumption, that they are consumed collectively and that the smartphone is imposed as a hegemonic device for individual use. These findings allow us to understand the evolution of audiences and the adaptation of traditional media in their ways of informing.


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How to Cite

Albarello, F. (2020). From hegemony to the niche: displacement of traditional media in informative routines of a group of Argentine university students. Dixit, (32), 46–60.



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