Initial Notes for an Ethical Reflection on the Regulation on Artificial Intelligence in the European Union




ethics, regulation, self-regulation, artificial intelligence, human rights


This article discusses the European Union's (EU) efforts to establish a governance framework for artificial intelligence (AI) and highlights that, while regulatory proposals are a crucial step, there are significant areas for improvement concerning ethical matters. It argues that a human rights-based approach (HRBA) should be the regulatory and protective framework for all individuals in relation to AI, emphasizing that clear and concise regulation based on human rights cannot be replaced by "light" ethical visions. It underscores the importance of a proactive regulatory approach by states to create spaces for ethical reflection and impact where various voices are involved while questioning the idea of leaving AI regulation in the hands of companies and corporations. Finally, it underscores the need for a more robust regulatory approach, based on human rights, to address the ethical-legal dilemmas associated with AI.


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How to Cite

Piedra Alegría, J. (2023). Initial Notes for an Ethical Reflection on the Regulation on Artificial Intelligence in the European Union. Revista De Derecho, (28), e3264.



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