Teorias subjetivas docentes sobre características pessoais associadas ao uso do tempo não letivo
teorias subjetivas, professores, práticas pedagógicas, ChileResumo
This research aims to describe and interpret teachers' subjective theories about idiosyncratic characteristics associated with the use of non-teaching time. The study is part of a larger investigation into teachers' subjective theories regarding school time. It employs a case study design within an interpretive, mixed-methods framework, conducted in Chile with 12 teachers who were interviewed using a semi-structured format and a time perspective instrument. Data analysis involved open coding and a secondary comparison of qualitative results with findings from the time perspective scale. The results highlight common challenges such as taking work home, which impacts mental health. While some teachers describe themselves as structured and efficient, others struggle to balance family and work responsibilities. Experience influences their time management, showing a variety in the perception of personal versus work time, and revealing a trend toward a future-oriented view, though some exhibit a fatalistic present attitude.
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