Emotional Experience in the Face of Academic Delay Among Pedagogy Students in a Chilean Public University
academic delay, emotions, meanings, learning, studentsAbstract
Academic delay poses a concerning issue due to its various consequences. Studies in this field have identified different factors contributing to its occurrence, as well as subjective variables influencing it. However, despite university programs offering student support with a strong emphasis on emotional and relational components, the emotional experience associated with academic delay remains relatively unexplored. This study aimed to understand the emotional experience of students facing academic delay. A qualitative study employing semi-structured interviews was conducted, involving 11 pedagogy students from a Chilean public university. A qualitative content analysis was performed on the gathered data. Results point towards various directions, including the economic impact of delay, the supportive role of peers, and extracurricular influences contributing to this situation, among others. Additionally, the study details diverse elements used to describe the emotional experience, constructing five categories whose outcomes were analyzed considering conceptual, methodological, and practical aspects, including prevention and intervention strategies for this issue.
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