Research as a teacher responsibility. An analysis of educational policies in Colombia and Chile




teaching practice, teacher training, educational research, educational policies, educational system


Teacher research has become a duty, a responsibility, and a challenge in educational practice. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the purposes and conditions for implementing research in teaching and initial training in Chile and Colombia within educational policies. Framed in a qualitative approach, a documentary analysis was carried out, in which 11 documents were reviewed. The results showed that in both countries, as a teacher responsibility, it is important to research their practice and the discipline they teach, as well as to promote the development of research skills in students at all levels of the education system. In Colombia, the conditions for encouraging teacher research are mentioned in more detail, while in Chile, the action of researching is not deeply explored, but reflection and innovation are highlighted.


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How to Cite

Palencia Salas, V., & Verdugo Peñaloza, A. (2023). Research as a teacher responsibility. An analysis of educational policies in Colombia and Chile. Páginas De Educación, 16(1), 28–46.

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