About the Journal

Focus and scope

Páginas de Educación is a refereed journal published by the Universidad Católica del Uruguay. The journal seeks to establish a bridge between academic research and professional experience from the conviction in the synergy that is generated by intertwining scientific knowledge with field practices. Its mission is to offer a rigorous academic platform where these voices converge. Páginas de Educación is aimed at researchers in educational sciences and professionals in that area, school psychologists and educational psychologists, providing content that enriches and broadens their perspectives and knowledge.

The topics of interest for the magazine are initial training and professional teacher development; coexistence, well-being and inclusion; teaching, learning and assessment; pedagogical leadership, educational management and curricular design. The journal receives applications for research articles, systematic literature reviews, and short communications in Spanish. Occasionally, it publishes articles in English and Portuguese. In addition, each year it offers a dossier or thematic issue with a guest co-editor. Since 2024 preprints are accepted.

Since 2024, the journal Páginas de Educación adopted the continuous publication mode, with an annual volume integrated by two semiannual issues (January-June and July-December). It is a scientific, indexed and refereed biannual publication. It is indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI of Web of Science), Latindex and Qualis CAPES; distributed in ScieloDialnet and EBSCO databases, and registered in  Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), LatinREV and Timbó. The journal is member of the Asociación Uruguaya de Revistas Académicas (AURA) and is also in the social network X.

Section policies

Articles. Research articles and systematic literature review articles. They have a maximum of 8000 words (excluding references, tables and figures). Double-blind peer-reviewed section.

Brief communication.

This section has a practice-focused approach. Professionals from the educational field or academics who work with professionals are invited to present an area of research with an emphasis on its application and evaluation in practice. Manuscripts should present theoretically sound principles, and illustrate how they have been synthesized into practical procedures with data evaluating their effectiveness. A detailed description of the procedures should be included to facilitate implementation in practice. Priority will be given to manuscripts that illustrate the links between research and practice. Implications for practice should also be included. It has a maximum length of 4000 words (excluding references, tables and figures). Double-blind peer-reviewed section.

Publication frequency

Since 2024, the journal Páginas de Educación is published in the continuous publication mode, with two issues per year. The first issue from January to June and the second from July to December, which are integrated into an annual volume.

Financing sources

Páginas de Educación is part of the Vice-Rector's Office for Research and Development of Universidad Católica del Uruguay, in its Publications Unit. The journal is financed by Universidad Católica del Uruguay and does not request any type of charge for presenting, evaluating or publishing the articles.

Open access policy

Páginas de Educación promotes and supports the movement of open access to knowledge for the common good, so the journal provides free and immediate access to its content, under the principle that offering society the scientific and academic production, without restrictions, contributes to a greater exchange of global knowledge. Under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), users have the power to view, download, store, print, search, index and create links to the texts, to the extent that the original source and the person in charge of its authorship is cited in all cases and situations.

Following the Guidelines for Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) in Journal Policies and Practices, and in compliance with Level 1 of Guideline 2 (Data Transparency), authors are required to include in the articles that result from original research a section on "Data Availability" in which they report whether the dataset used in their research is available and, if so, where to access it. 


If the manuscript is accepted, the authors agree to assign the copyright to the journal Páginas de Educación according to the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), open access system, leaving the authors the responsibility for the contents and opinions expressed in it, which do not compromise the scientific opinion and policy of the journal.

Authors are free to archive their article in institutional repositories or on their personal web pages, always mentioning it's publication in the journal.

The content of the article will not be subject to other rights by any other publication, nor was it previously edited. If tables or figures taken from other publications are reproduced, the written authorization of their authors or publication rights owners will be provided, as appropriate. In all cases, it refers to the APA regulation on the presentation of tables and figures.

Review process

I. Manuscript reception and first phase evaluation

Authors' contributions are managed by the scientific editor and the technical editor under the advice of the associate editors. Once the formal requirements of the publication have been verified, it is analyzed in the first phase by the editorial team, who may: a) accept the submission for external review, b) suggest modifications or c) reject it. In the latter case, the scientific editor may or may not give feedback to the authors. This first phase takes an average of 3 months.

II. Second phase of evaluation by external double-blind peers

The articles are sent for evaluation to expert judges in the area, at the rate of two per paper. When it is a frontier area in a field of science, referees are sent as necessary. In the evaluation process, extreme care is taken to maintain the confidentiality of authors and referees (double-blind system). The journal has a simple article evaluation form, as a guide for refereeing. Four results may arise from this phase: a) publishable without changes, b) publishable with suggestions, c) publishable with modifications, and d) not publishable.

In all cases, the reviewers prepare a report based on their opinion. The editorial team may resort to other referees in cases where the conclusions of the designated evaluators are incompatible with each other or there are doubts as to methodological aspects.

Once the evaluators' assessment is generated, it is analyzed by the scientific editor, who prepares a communication to the authors about the result of the evaluation. The authors must make the requested modifications within approximately 15 days. Then, the editorial team, taking into account the considerations of the referees, confirms that the modified text includes the observations made. The scientific editor is responsible for the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the articles. This decision is final.

The process of external evaluation of each article takes an average of 6 months, which may vary according to the nature of the considerations or the need for consultation with other experts.

The article rejection rate for 2023 was 85 %.

III. Publication

Once the final version of the manuscript has been accepted, the technical team oversees editing and layout of the manuscript and, if necessary, contacts the authors to make adjustments prior to publication.

Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the editorial team reserves the right to decide the order of appearance and in which issue and volume it will be published.

Plagiarism detection policy

As part of the initial evaluation process of the articles, and in line with the international standards recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to which the journal adheres, a plagiarism control of the manuscript is also carried out using the softwares Crossref and Turnitin

In case of suspicion of plagiarism, proceed based on the recommendations by COPE, where the reviewers agree to report possible fraud or plagiarism of the evaluated research. In positive cases of plagiarism, the corresponding actions will be taken to sanction the breach of the ethical principles to which the journal adheres.

In case of doubt and detection of plagiarism in the articles, the policy of the journal is:

  1. If there is plagiarism prior to the evaluation process, depending on the degree and seriousness, the article may be rejected, or the pertinent modifications may be requested.
  2. If there is plagiarism during the evaluation of the article, all the authors of the article will be contacted explaining the situation. The article may be rejected or appropriate modifications may be requested.

Use of language

Authors are encouraged to use language that does not discriminate or reproduce discriminatory biases based on gender, race, age, disability, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, etc.

Ethical code

Everyone involved in the editorial process of Páginas de Educación (editors, authors, reviewers) must act in accordance with ethical standards to ensure compliance with the best editorial practices and a commitment to the highest professional standards.

The members of the editorial staff agree to objectively analyze all contributions received, and to comply with a procedure that ensures quality and transparency. Is their responsibility to select the appropriate reviewers for each article, as well as ensuring the confidentiality of the process. Is its duty to comply with the deadlines for responding to each application. The team should be alert for any ethical allegations or claims of any kind on the postulated articles, and give authors the opportunity to defend themselves.

The authors are obliged to ensure the originality of their articles as well as the transparency of the investigation process and the accuracy of its results. Authors will deliver a signed declaration which states that the articles are of his own, are unpublished and are not postulated simultaneously for other publications. Authors who sign an article must have made a substantial contribution to the work (conception, data collection, data interpretation and analysis, writing, review). Also, it is the obligation of the authors to attribute the credit to everyone and all kinds of work in which they have based their article or parts of it, according to the format stipulated in the guidelines for contributions. Authors should make explicit the existence of any conflicts of interest or any funding they have received for carrying out the article.

Reviewers perform the evaluation of the articles voluntarily, with the mission to contribute to the improvement of the quality of works, ensuring an objective and constructive review. To do so, they agree to follow the guidelines provided by Dixit and undertake to meet the policies of the peer-review process as well as the deadlines established for the task. It is the responsibility of the reviewers to alert the editorial staff of any conflict of interest or circumstance that may prevent them from carrying out a suitable and objective evaluation.

Digital preservation policy

Through the LOCKSS system (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), the journal Páginas de Educación is guaranteed a permanent and secure archive. LOCKSS is an open-source program developed by the Stanford University Library that allows libraries to preserve selected web journals by regularly searching registered journals to collect and archive newly published content. Each file is continuously validated against records from other libraries, so that any damaged or lost content can be restored. The articles have DOI (Digital Object Identifier) granted by the Crossref registration agency. Through the PKP Preservation Network, preservation is also provided for any journal that is in Open Journal Systems.