Emotional memory modulation through music in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease





Alzheimer's Disease, Emotion, Memory, Music


Emotional stimuli are better remembered than neutral ones. Music generates emotional arousal and can modulate memories in young and older adults. Studies show that in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) music improves word encoding and retrieval of autobiographical memories. Few studies used music as a post-learning treatment, showing a decrease in false positives in recognition. The aim of this work is to study the modulation of memory through music in patients with AD. 75 patients with AD were assessed. They observed emotional and neutral pictures, and then received a musical or neutral treatment: arousing music, relaxing music or white noise. Then, they recalled the pictures they remembered followed by a recognition task. We repeated this task a week later (delayed recall). The results indicated a decrease in false positives in delayed recognition in the group exposed to arousing music. In conclusion, music is capable of modulating memories in patients with AD. This modulation differs from what happens in other populations, which could be due to anatomical differences. The results support the use of music as a possible treatment for memory consolidation.


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How to Cite

Moltrasio, J., & Rubinstein, W. (2023). Emotional memory modulation through music in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease. Ciencias Psicológicas, 17(2), e-3270. https://doi.org/10.22235/cp.v17i2.3270




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