Psychometric properties of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) in Argentine university students




mindfulness, Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, psychometric properties, factor analysis, reliability and validity


The Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) is a scale that assesses, in a global way, the capacity in a person's disposition to be attentive and aware of the experience of the present moment in daily life. The aim of the present research was to study the psychometric properties of the MAAS in Argentine university students. A non-experimental, cross-sectional, instrumental study was designed. The epistemological basis used was classical psychometrics. The non-probabilistic sample consisted of 895 Argentine adults from university population. The mean age was 26.32 (SD = 6.946, Min = 18, Max = 48). Fifty-four percent (n = 483) were female and 45.6 % (n = 408) were male. Psychometric analyses reported that the scale has a unidimensional structure with adequate validity and reliability (α = .89). The scale has adequate evidence of construct validity and excellent internal consistency scores, which determine that it is a valid and reliable instrument to assess mindfulness attention in a population of Argentine university students.


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How to Cite

Eidman, L., Rodriguez de Behrends, M. ., & Seif, G. (2022). Psychometric properties of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) in Argentine university students. Ciencias Psicológicas, 16(1), e-2560.




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