New validity evidence for the Coping Strategies Inventory




psychological assessment, coping, positive psychology, higher education, psychometric properties


The aim of the present study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Coping Strategy Inventory (CCI), through validity evidence based on the internal structure and relationship with other variables (character strengths). Participants were 927 college students, with an average age of 26 years (SD= 7.7) and most of them female. All responded to the Coping Strategies Inventory and the Character Strengths Scale (CSE). After analyzing the data, a new factorial organization with four factors, from the initial eight, is suggested. The factors are: Positive Reappraisal (α= .79), Distancing and Acceptance (α= .79), Social Support (α= .67) and Confrontation and Problem Solving (α= .86). The CCI scores correlated with the CSE scores, showing that the new factorial structure found presents validity evidence based on relationships with other variables. The results are discussed in the light of the literature.


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How to Cite

Luca , L. ., Porto Noronha, A. P. ., Ferraresi Rodrigues Queluz , F. N. ., & Angeli dos Santos , A. A. . (2020). New validity evidence for the Coping Strategies Inventory. Ciencias Psicológicas, 14(2), e-2319.




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